Friday 1 February 2013

Be Fearless, Embrace Change

My little ones

A wise person said that fear takes all the joy out of life. There truly is nothing to be fearful of – you are the creator of your life, so take the steps and make it happen. If things don’t go completely as planned, learn the lesson and try again. The only failure is in not trying … so embrace the fear but never let it control you…. Understand the fear but never give into it.

People will continue to feed their negativity of why things are impossible and why they can’t be done but if you believe in your vision, that’s all you need – prove everyone wrong and do it anyway!
You are the master of your destiny and the lead actor (and writer) of your own story!

This is one of the most important lessons I wish I’d learnt early on because I let fear cripple my dreams and limit my vision. Once you let fear in, it become a comfortable friend, an excuse and reason to stay stuck instead of be who you really are! Like in the poem “it is not our deepest fear that we are inadequate – our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams….”

So be fearless my angel – and embrace your power!

The only constant in life is change! In your life, things will change – your friends, your school, your hormones, your feelings, your situation…..

 You can choose to let change be fearful, scary and limiting, or you can embrace its opportunities and possibilities.

Sometimes it is hard to see why things are changing and we tend to hold onto the familiar and want to keep to our comfort zones but the truth is, the best, most magnificent experiences are waiting for you, just outside those very comfort zones. Be bold, step forth and explore the wonders that change has to offer. Learn to roll with the punches and don’t let fear hold you back. With each change you have the opportunity to learn, to experience and to embrace life – there are exciting times ahead for you!

Too many adults believe that playing is for children and “fun and games” get replaced by “responsibility and money” instead. This only happens because we forget how to play and to find the fun in the small things in life. Find the fun and devour it every day! Dance in the rain, build blanket forts, tell jokes, laugh until your tummy hurts.

There are so many things you can do that will bring a smile to your face and if you forget how, just watch children and embrace the lessons they can teach you – a stick becomes a light sabre and all of a sudden, you could be saving the universe from destruction of a power hungry madman! Save your life from a depressing-adults-have-responsibility mind-set and create some magic!

Roald Dahl said “those that don’t believe in the magic of life will never experience it!”

Believe it! Create it! And Enjoy it!

The Adventures ahead


As you awaken to your life, there will be many decisions you have to make and many paths to choose from. Each path will have its own adventures, challenges and beauty. Don’t beat yourself up about these choices – embrace them and enjoy every single step.

I was far too concerned about making mistakes along the way, I missed so many opportunities. One of my favourite poems is by Henry David Thoreau about the road less travelled. Be bold my angel, carve your own paths and embrace the adventures of being alive – the possibilities are endless.

Embrace the adventure, find the laughter and learn each lesson for what it is. See yourself as the creator of your life and take each step with love and confidence in who you are.


Dream deliciously big dreams, see them in front of you and then make them happen! NEVER let anyone tell you what you are or are not capable of! Go after your dreams with a boldness and never settle for second best. Your only limitation is your belief in yourself.

So many people will try to discourage or challenge your dreams – don’t listen to them! When you know what you want, go and get it – if it is important enough to you, there will always be a way to get it done.

Nelson Mandela used the words from Maryanne Williamson in his inaugural speech in 1994 – to me, these words have always spoken deeply to my heart. Be gorgeous, talented and fabulous my little one and let your light shine brightly.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is
That we are powerful beyond measure
It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be
Gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God
You playing small doesn’t serve the world,
There is nothing enlightened about
Shrinking so that other people
Won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us
Its not just in some of us, its in everyone
And as we let our light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same
As we are liberated from our own fear
Our presence automatically liberates others.

Here we go....

For you special, kind souls willing to join me on this journey, you will discover some of my poetry, and then some letters to my unborn children regarding life lessons I wished I'd learnt a lot sooner in life, but lessons that have moulded and brought me to this moment where I need to take the leap of faith and share my scribbles. Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback as I would love to hear all! Have a blessed weekend :) xx
and Here you go :) 

The sun kissing the snow-capped mountains goodnight,
The rich oranges and purples painted across the sky.
So beautiful, so precious – but you rush by
No time to look, no time to see
Where are you going? What is so important?

The birds melodies in the morning
The wind rustling through the leaves of trees
So sweet, so pure – but you rush by
No time to listen, no time to hear
Where are you going? What is so important?

A friendly smile from across the room
A reassuring touch while passing by
So dear, so true – but you rush by
No time to feel, no time to appreciate
Where are you going? What is so important?

You have no time to see, hear or feel
Is what you’re doing really so important?
Can you afford to let all this beauty pass you by?
Have you become so hard?

Next time the sun sets – watch for a while, see the precious gift
When the bird sings – listen for a while, hear the melody
And when someone sends you a smile – talk a while and feel again.

(CBP 1998)

My dearest little ones,

If there is one lesson I can leave you with – it is to be happy! Find that in life that brings you joy and do that. Find those people that fill your space with laughter and magical moments and invite them in. Make a point of counting your blessings, of seeing the beauty around you – the incredible sunsets, a smiling face, autumn leaves….

I wasted far too much time on sadness – wishing I was different, comparing myself to everyone else. Find your happiness and fill your life with laughter, dancing and love. Live each day to its fullest as you only regret the things you didn’t do, moments you didn’t embrace… and laughs you didn’t share.

Open your eyes to the world around you and see…. Really see what is around you. Take time to embrace nature, feel the wind in your hair, the sun on your face. Each moment is precious and a gift – breath in the scents of nature, see the birds outside your window. The earth and nature have many lessons to teach us if we are willing to learn.

Don’t let life make you hard or steal your joy – your life is too precious. Consciously find and choose your happiness – no one can take it from you unless you let them.

I am reminded of the John Lennon quote where his teacher asked him what the meaning of life is – to which he answered “love”. The teacher told him he didn’t understand the question – he told her she didn’t understand life!