Friday 1 February 2013

Here we go....

For you special, kind souls willing to join me on this journey, you will discover some of my poetry, and then some letters to my unborn children regarding life lessons I wished I'd learnt a lot sooner in life, but lessons that have moulded and brought me to this moment where I need to take the leap of faith and share my scribbles. Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback as I would love to hear all! Have a blessed weekend :) xx
and Here you go :) 

The sun kissing the snow-capped mountains goodnight,
The rich oranges and purples painted across the sky.
So beautiful, so precious – but you rush by
No time to look, no time to see
Where are you going? What is so important?

The birds melodies in the morning
The wind rustling through the leaves of trees
So sweet, so pure – but you rush by
No time to listen, no time to hear
Where are you going? What is so important?

A friendly smile from across the room
A reassuring touch while passing by
So dear, so true – but you rush by
No time to feel, no time to appreciate
Where are you going? What is so important?

You have no time to see, hear or feel
Is what you’re doing really so important?
Can you afford to let all this beauty pass you by?
Have you become so hard?

Next time the sun sets – watch for a while, see the precious gift
When the bird sings – listen for a while, hear the melody
And when someone sends you a smile – talk a while and feel again.

(CBP 1998)

My dearest little ones,

If there is one lesson I can leave you with – it is to be happy! Find that in life that brings you joy and do that. Find those people that fill your space with laughter and magical moments and invite them in. Make a point of counting your blessings, of seeing the beauty around you – the incredible sunsets, a smiling face, autumn leaves….

I wasted far too much time on sadness – wishing I was different, comparing myself to everyone else. Find your happiness and fill your life with laughter, dancing and love. Live each day to its fullest as you only regret the things you didn’t do, moments you didn’t embrace… and laughs you didn’t share.

Open your eyes to the world around you and see…. Really see what is around you. Take time to embrace nature, feel the wind in your hair, the sun on your face. Each moment is precious and a gift – breath in the scents of nature, see the birds outside your window. The earth and nature have many lessons to teach us if we are willing to learn.

Don’t let life make you hard or steal your joy – your life is too precious. Consciously find and choose your happiness – no one can take it from you unless you let them.

I am reminded of the John Lennon quote where his teacher asked him what the meaning of life is – to which he answered “love”. The teacher told him he didn’t understand the question – he told her she didn’t understand life!


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