Friday 1 February 2013

Be Fearless, Embrace Change

My little ones

A wise person said that fear takes all the joy out of life. There truly is nothing to be fearful of – you are the creator of your life, so take the steps and make it happen. If things don’t go completely as planned, learn the lesson and try again. The only failure is in not trying … so embrace the fear but never let it control you…. Understand the fear but never give into it.

People will continue to feed their negativity of why things are impossible and why they can’t be done but if you believe in your vision, that’s all you need – prove everyone wrong and do it anyway!
You are the master of your destiny and the lead actor (and writer) of your own story!

This is one of the most important lessons I wish I’d learnt early on because I let fear cripple my dreams and limit my vision. Once you let fear in, it become a comfortable friend, an excuse and reason to stay stuck instead of be who you really are! Like in the poem “it is not our deepest fear that we are inadequate – our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams….”

So be fearless my angel – and embrace your power!

The only constant in life is change! In your life, things will change – your friends, your school, your hormones, your feelings, your situation…..

 You can choose to let change be fearful, scary and limiting, or you can embrace its opportunities and possibilities.

Sometimes it is hard to see why things are changing and we tend to hold onto the familiar and want to keep to our comfort zones but the truth is, the best, most magnificent experiences are waiting for you, just outside those very comfort zones. Be bold, step forth and explore the wonders that change has to offer. Learn to roll with the punches and don’t let fear hold you back. With each change you have the opportunity to learn, to experience and to embrace life – there are exciting times ahead for you!

Too many adults believe that playing is for children and “fun and games” get replaced by “responsibility and money” instead. This only happens because we forget how to play and to find the fun in the small things in life. Find the fun and devour it every day! Dance in the rain, build blanket forts, tell jokes, laugh until your tummy hurts.

There are so many things you can do that will bring a smile to your face and if you forget how, just watch children and embrace the lessons they can teach you – a stick becomes a light sabre and all of a sudden, you could be saving the universe from destruction of a power hungry madman! Save your life from a depressing-adults-have-responsibility mind-set and create some magic!

Roald Dahl said “those that don’t believe in the magic of life will never experience it!”

Believe it! Create it! And Enjoy it!

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